Reviewing 2023 and Predicting 2024 — S2 Ep 9

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The conversation covers the rise of AI in workflows, the impact of the Barbie phenomenon, the growing comfort with TikTok, the decline of Twitter, and the future of social media, the changing landscape of community and conversation, and consumer privacy and the shift in brand communication. The conversation explores various topics related to influencer marketing, authenticity, disclosure, humour in advertising, and the future of content. It also touches on the impact of influencers in B2B marketing and the role of community in calling out inauthentic ads. The conversation concludes with predictions for 2023 and 2024, including the rise of the creator economy and the significance of live events in social media.


AI has become more integrated into workflows, making a difference at a broader scale for the industry. The Barbie phenomenon showcased the power of brand partnerships and the impact of a well-executed marketing campaign. TikTok has seen increased adoption by brands, offering new formats and data for effective advertising. Twitter has experienced a decline in user engagement and advertising quality, but still holds potential as a platform for real-time news and authentic conversations. The concept of community has evolved, with platforms like TikTok providing moments of connection and entertainment. Consumer privacy concerns have led to a shift in brand communication, with a focus on authenticity and transparency. Authenticity is crucial in brand partnerships, and influencers are expected to represent brands in an authentic way. The line between authentic content and advertising can be blurry, and there is a need for clear disclosure. Influencers are becoming increasingly important in B2B marketing, following the trend set by the B2C world. Unintentional endorsements can have a significant impact, highlighting the power of influence. Community plays a role in calling out inauthentic ads and holding brands accountable. Humour is making a comeback in advertising, particularly in short-form content. Long-form content is also seeing a resurgence, with platforms like TikTok and YouTube incentivizing longer videos. 2023 is characterised by confusion and debates around authenticity and endorsement. The creator economy is a major theme, with influencers gaining more prominence and opportunities. 2024 is predicted to be the year of democracy and political impact, as well as the year of live events and social media. Chapters

00:00 The Rise of AI in Workflows 08:05 The Impact of the Barbie Phenomenon 17:34 The Growing Comfort with TikTok 22:18 The Decline(?) of Twitter and the Future of Social Media 28:21 The Changing Landscape of Community and Conversation 34:18 Consumer Privacy and the Shift in Brand Communication 34:57 Authenticity in Brand Partnerships 35:35 The Complications of Influencer Marketing 36:32 The Impact of Influencers in B2B Marketing 37:01 The Power of Influence and Unintentional Endorsements 37:26 The Debate on Disclosure and Authenticity 39:38 The Role of Community in Calling Out Inauthentic Ads 41:46 The Shift Towards Humorous Short-Form Content 43:34 The Return of Long-Form Content 48:19 The Year of Confusion 48:47 The Creator Economy 49:16 The Year of Democracy and Political Impact 49:54 The Year of Live Events and Social Media

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